Winfried Schleiner

Winfried Schleiner's picture

Position Title
Professor Emeritus

Office Hours


Ph.D. Brown University, 1968
M.A. Brown University, 1968
Universitaet Kiel (First Staatsexamen,1964, Second Staatsexamen, 1969)

Originally from Germany, Professor Schleiner began his teaching career at the Max-Planck-Schule in Kiel. He worked as an Assistant Professor for three years at Rhode Island College before joining the UC Davis faculty as an Assistant Professor in 1973. His fields of interest include Renaissance literature, the history of sports, gender studies, the history of medicine, and languages (French, German, Latin, Italian).


  • Faculty Fellow, University of California Washington Center, 2002-2003 and 2007.
  • Long Term Senior Fellowships, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, 1980 and 1997
  • Folger Shakespeare Library/NEH Fellowship, 1991-92
  • UC President's Research Fellowship in the Humanities, 1989-90
  • Huntington Library, Spring 1976
  • Newberry Library, Summer 1974
  • Folger Shakespeare Library, Summer 1973
  • Fels Dissertation Fund, 1967-68
  • King Edward VII British-German Foundation, 1961-2



  • President, Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, 2002-2003
  • President, Northern California Renaissance Conference, 2001-2002, 2006-2007


  • Editorial Committee, The Sixteenth Century Journal
  • Editorial Committee, Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism

Administrative Appointments:

  • Education Abroad Director for UC in Bordeaux and Toulouse, 2004-2006


List of Publications


  • Medical Ethics in the Renaissance. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1995.
  • Melancholy, Genius, and Utopia in the Renaissance. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1991. (Wolfenbütteler Abhandlungen zur Renaissanceforschung, vol. 10).
  • The Imagery of John Donne's Sermons. Providence: Brown University Press, 1970

Articles Published:

  1. "Drei Gedichte von E. E. Cummings,"  Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 2 (1969), 27-37.
  2. "Peter Handke in USA," Die Zeit, May 28, 1971, 14.
  3. "Differences of Theme and Structure of the Erona Episode in the Old and New Arcadia,"  Studies in Philology, Vol. LXX, No. 4 (October 1973), 377-391.
  4. "Rank and Marriage: A Study of the Motif of 'Woman Wilfully Tested,'"  Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. IX, No. 4 (December 1972), 365-375.
  5. 'Tis like the howling of Irish Wolves against the moone': A Note on As You Like It 5.2.109," English Language Notes, 12 (1974), 5-8.
  6. "Aeneas' Flight from Troy,"  Comparative Literature, 27 (1975), 97-112.
  7. "'That Virtue is not measured by birth, but by action': Reality versus Intention in Lodge's Rosalynde," Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 23 (1975), 12-15.
  8. "The Infant Hercules: Franklin's Design for a Medal Commemorating American Liberty, Eighteenth-Century Studies, 10 (1976-77), 235-244.
  9. "New Material from the Grimm-Emerson Correspondence" (co-authored with Luther Luedtke; introduction is 40% by Schleiner, translation and annotation 60%), Harvard Library Bulletin, 25 (1977), 399-465.
  10. "Deromanticizing the Shrew: Notes on Teaching Shakespeare in a 'Women in Literature' Course," in Teaching Shakespeare, ed. Walter Edens (Princeton University Press, 1977), 79-92.
  11. "The Hand of the Tongue: Emblematic Technique in One of J. Donne's Sermons," English Miscellany, 25 (1975-76), 183-90.
  12. "Queen Elizabeth I as an Amazon,"  Studies in Philology, 75 (1978), 163-80.
  13. "Advanced Composition," College Composition and Communication, 28 (1977), 285.
  14. "Jacques and the Melancholy Stag,"  English Language Notes, (1980), 175-79.
  15. "A Nobleman Gains Release from Slavery Through the Reputation of the Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf Court," in Schleswig-Holstein/Nordamerika: Versuche eines interdisziplinären Ansatzes (Kieler Beiträge zur Erweiterung der Englischen Philologie), Vol. 1 (1982), 71-78.
  16. Orsino and Viola: Are the Names of Serious Characters in Twelfth Night Meaningful?,"  Shakespeare Studies, XVI (1983), 135-41.
  17. "The Nexus of Witchcraft and Male Impotence in Renaissance Thought and Its Reflection in Mann's Doctor Faustus," Journal of English & Germanic Philology, 84 (1985), 166-87.
  18. "Imaginative Sources of Shakespeare's Puck," Shakespeare Quarterly, 36 (1985), 65-68.
  19. "Renaissance Exempla of Schizophrenia: The Cure by Charity in Luther and Cervantes," Renaissance and Reformation/Renaissance Reforme, N.S. 9 (1985), 157-76.
  20. "Justifying the Unjustifiable: The Dover Cliff Scene in King Lear," Shakespeare Quarterly, 36 (1985), 337-343.
  21. "Prospero as a Renaissance Therapist,"  Literature and Medicine, 6 (1987), 54-60.
  22. "In the Lumber Room of Faulkner's Memory: As I Lay Dying and Hellenic Myths," Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 20 (1987), 131-40.
  23. "Melancholy," Dictionary of Literary Themes and Motifs, ed. J.-C. Seigneuret (New York, Westport, and London: Greenwood, 1988), 834-42.
  24. "Amazons," Dictionary of Literary Themes and Motifs, ed. J.-C. Seigneuret. (New York, Westport, and London: Greenwood, 1988), 43-49.
  25. "The Prostitute with a Good Heart,"  Dictionary of Literary Themes and Motifs, ed. J.-C. Seigneuret. (New York, Westport, and London: Greenwood, 1988), 998-1005.
  26. "Male Cross-Dressing and Transvestism in Renaissance Romances," The Sixteenth Century Journal, 19 (1988), 605-619.
  27. "The Feste-Malvolio Scene in Twelfth Night against the Background of Renaissance Ideas about Madness and Possession," Deutsche Shakespeare Gesellschaft West: Jahrbuch 1990, 48-57.
  28. "Scioppius' Pen against the English King's Sword: The Political Function of Ambiguity and Anonymity in Early Seventeenth-Century Literature,"  Renaissance and Reformation, 26 (1990), 271-84.
  29. "Donne's 'Coterie Sermon',"  John Donne Journal, 8 (1989), 125-32 [note that the journal is running a couple of years behind: the issue appeared in 1992].
  30. "The Glass Graduate and the Aphrodisiac That Went Wrong: New Light From Old Texts," Forum for Modern Language Studies, 27 (1991), 370-381.
  31. "Le feu caché: Homosocial Bonds Between Women in a Renaissance Romance," Renaissance Quarterly, 45 (1992), 293-311.
  32. "Ethical Problems of the Lie that Heals in Renaissance Literature," in Eros and Anteros: the Medical Traditions of Love in the Renaissance, ed. D. A. Beecher and M. Ciavolella, Toronto: Dovehouse, 1992 (University of Toronto Italian Studies, 9), 161-75.
  33. "Burton's Use of praeteritio in Discussing Same-Sex Relationships," Renaissance Discourse of Desire, ed. C. J. Summers and T. L. Pebworth (University of Missouri Press: Colombia & London: 1993), 159-78.
  34. "Recent Huntington Library Acquisitions of Books of Alchemy," Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism, N.S. 12 (1993, Nos. 1&2), 8-11.
  35. "'That Matter which ought not to be heard of:' Homophobic Slurs in Renaissance Cultural Politics," Journal of Homosexuality, 26 (1994), 41-75.
  36. "Renaissance Moralizing of Syphilis and Moral Issues about its Prevention," Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 68 (1994), 389-410.
  37. "The Contribution of Exiled Portuguese Jews in Renaissance Medical Ethics," Expulsion of the Jews (1492 And After), ed. R. B. Waddington and A. H. Williamson, (New York and London: Garland, 1994), 147-59.
  38. "Infection and Cure through Women: Renaissance Constructions of Syphilis," Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 24 (1994), 499-517.
  39. "Die Hysterie als geschlechtsspezifisches Sozialkonstrukt in der Medizin der Renaissance und bei Shakespeare,"  Shakespeare Jahrbuch, 131 (1995), 93-105.
  40. "'A Plott to have his nose and eares cutt of:' Schoppe as Seen by the Archbishop of Canterbury," Renaissance and Reformation, 19 (1995), 69-86 (actual publication date Oct. 1996).
  41. "Cross-Dressing, Gender Errors, and Sexual Taboos in Renaissance Literature" in Gender Reversals and Gender-Cultures, ed. Sabrina Petra Ramet (London: Routledge, 1996), 92-104.
  42. "Frühe Detektivarbeit zur Entlarvung des Autors der Corona Regia," in Kaspar Schoppe (1576-1649): Philologe im Dienste der Gegenreformation, ed. Herbert Jaumann. Frankfurt a/M: Klostermann, 1998 [Zeitsprünge Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit, Bd. 2 (1998), Heft 3/4], 423-434.
  43. Co-authored with Martin Japtok, "Genetics and 'Race' in The Merchant of Venice,"  Literature and Medicine, 18,2 (Fall 1999), 155-72.
  44. Co-authored with Louise Schleiner, "Elizabeth Weston: A Woman Poet among the Humanists," Form and Reform in Renaissance England: Essays in Honor of Barbara Kiefer Lewalski, ed. Amy Boesky and Mary T. Crane (Newark and London: University of Delaware Press, 2000), 185-219.
  45. "Early Modern Controversies About the One-Sex Model," Renaissance Quarterly 53 (2000), 180-91.
  46. Co-authored with Jason Rosenblatt, "John Selden's Letter to Ben Jonson on Cross-Dressing and Bisexual Gods," English Literary Renaissance 29 (Winter 1999), 44-74.
  47. "Bawdy, Elizabethan," in Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, ed. Paul Grendler (New York: Scribner's, 1999), I, 191-93.
  48. Guest-edited double issue of Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism, New Series Vol. 18, nos. 1 & 2.
  49. "Laughter and Challenges to the Other in the French Amadis de Gaule," The Sixteenth Century Journal 1 (2001), 91-107.
  50. "Linguistic 'Xeno-Homophobia' in Sixteenth-Century France: The Case of Henri Estienne,"  The Sixteenth Century Journal, 34 (Fall 2003), 747-760.
  51. "We Are All Players': Constructing Early Modern Tennis," Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature, 22:1 (Fall 2004), 15-31.
  52.     52     “L’exercise physique des jeunes a l’epoque de la Renaissance,” in Regards sur l’emfance au XVIIe siècle, ed. Anne Defrance, Denis Lopez and François-Joseph Ruggiu. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 2007, 33-34.
  53. «Gabriel Harvey’s Gendered Response to an Earthquake in Essex,    England, April 7 of 1580, as Reported to the Poet Edmund Spenser,” Cahiers Elizabéthains: A Biannial Journal of English Renaissance Studies. (No. 70 Autumn 2006), 15-19.
  54. “Intrigues of Hermaphrodites and the Intercourse of Science with Erotica,” in The Sciences of Homosexuality in Early Modern Europe, ed. Kenneth Borris and George Rousseau (London and New York: Routledge: 2008), 247-253.
  55. Corona Regia. Introduction by Winfried Schleiner, edited and
    translated by Tyler Fyotek in collaboration with Winfried Schleiner.
    (Droz: Geneve, 2010)
  56. “Lycanthropy and Prestige/Illusion in the Renaissance,” in Errors
    and Mistakes: A Cultural History of Fallibility. ed.
    Mariacarla Gadebusch & Agostino Paravicini Bagliani. (Firenze:
    Galluzzo, 2012), 185-196
  57. “Early Modern Medical Ethics and Medical Humor,” in Medical
    Ethics: Premodern Negotiations between Medicine and Philosophy.
    (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2014), 175-184




  1. The Drama of the Renaissance: Essays for Leicester Bradner, ed. Elmer M. Blistein, Brown Alumni Monthly, 72 (1971), 35.
  2. Metaphor: An Annotated Bibliography and History, by Warren A. Shibles, Comparative Literature Studies, 10 (1973), 394-395.
  3. Donne at Sermons: A Christian Existential World, by Gale H. Carithers, Jr., Renaissance Quarterly, 27 (1974), 372-375.
  4. Doubting Conscience: Donne and the Poetry of Moral Argument, by Dwight Cathcart, Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 75 (1976), 592-94.
  5. Cebes' Tablet: Facsimiles of the Greek Text, and of Selected Latin, French, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, and Polish Translations, ed. Sandra Sider,  Renaissance Quarterly, 34 (1981), 121-23.
  6. Fulfilling the Circle: A Study of John Donne's Thought, by Terry G. Sherwood, Renaissance Quarterly, 38 (1985), 370-373.
  7. Shakespeare and the Emblem: Studies in Renaissance Iconography and Iconology, ed. Tibor Fabiny,  Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism, N.S. 3, No. 2 (Fall 1984), 7-8.
  8. The War against the Amazons, by Abby W. Kleinbaum, Comparative Literature Studies, 23 (1985), 558-560.
  9. Images of Regeneration: A Study of Shakespeare's "The Tempest" and Its Cultural Background, by Michael Srigley, Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism, N.S. 5, No. 1 (Spring 1986), 10-12.
  10. Folly and Insanity in Renaissance Literature, by Ernesto Grassi and Maristella Lorch, Renaissance Quarterly, 40 (1987), 796-99.
  11. Die Alchemie in der europäischen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, ed. Christop Meinel,  Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism, N.S. 7, No. 1 (Spring 1988), 9-10.
  12. The Idea of Woman in Renaissance Literature: The Feminine Reclaimed, by Stevie Davies, Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism, N.S. 8, No. 2 (Fall 1989), 12-13.
  13. John Donne and the Theology of Language, ed. P. G. Stanwood and H. R. Asals, Modern Philology, 86 (1989), 296-97.
  14. Alchemical Death and Resurrection: The Significance of Alchemy in the Age of Newton, by Betty Jo Teeter Bobbs, Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism, N.S. 10, No. 2 (Fall 1991), 17-18.
  15. A Treatise on Lovesickness, by Jacques Ferrand, Renaissance Quarterly, 44 (1991), 865-867.
  16. The Modern Age and the Recovery of Ancient Wisdom: A Reconsideration of Historical Consciousness, 1450-1650, by Stephen A. McKnight, Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism, N.S. 11, No. 2 (Fall 1992), 14-15.
  17. Auf dem Wege zu sich selbst: Die Meditation im 16. Jahrhundert, by Klára Erdei, Renaissance Quarterly, 46 (1993), 165-66.
  18. Sodomy and Interpretation: Marlowe to Milton, by Gregory W. Bredbeck, Shakespeare Quarterly, 44 (1993), 501-502.
  19. Medicine and Shakespeare in the English Renaissance, by F. David Hoeniger, Renaissance Quarterly, 47 (1994), 934-945.
  20. La cité heureuse: L'utopie italienne de la renaissance à l'âge baroque, ed. Adelin Charles Fiorato, Renaissance Quarterly, 48 (1995), 30-31.
  21. Syphilis in Shakespeare's England, by Johannes Fabricius, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 70 (1996), 313-14.
  22. The Realms of Apollo: Literature and Healing in Seventeenth Century England, by Raymond A. Anselment,  Renaissance Quarterly, 50 (1997), 77-78.
  23. The Melancholy Muse: Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Early Medicine, by Carol F. Heffernan, The Sixteenth Century Journal, 28 (1997), 561-62.
  24. Demokrit: Lachender Philosoph und sanguinischer Melancholiker, by Thomas Rütten, Renaissance Quarterly, 50 (2, 1997), 598-99.
  25. Wissenschaft und Mystik bei J. B. van Helmont (1579-1644), by Berthold Heinecke, Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism, N.S. 16, 2 (Fall 1997), 21-22.
  26. The Medical World of Early Modern France, by Laurence Brockliss and Colin Jones, The Sixteenth Century Journal, 30 (1999), 824-26.
  27. The Clock and the Mirror: Girolamo Cardano and Renaissance Medicine, by Nancy Siraisi, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 72 (1998), 759-60.
  28. Frühneuzeitliche Selbterhaltung: Telesio und die Naturphilosophie de Renaissance, by Martin Mulsow, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 74 (2000), 597-98.
  29. A History of Madness in Sixteenth-Century Germany, by H. C. Eric Midelfort, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 75 (2001), 569-70.
  30. Geheimnisse der Alchemie, by Manuel Bachmann and Thomas Hofmeier; Alchemie: Lexikon einer hermetischen Wissenschaft, by Claus Priesner and Karin Figala; Isis, 92 (2001), 391-92.
  31. Poetische Archemie, by Burkhard Dohm,  Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism, N.S. 20, Fall 2001.
  32. Holofernes’ Mantuan: Italian Humanism in Early Modern England, by Lee Piepho, Sixteenth Century Journal, 35:1 (2004), 276-77.
  33. Bodily Extremities:  Preoccupation with the Human Body in Ealy Modern European Culture, ed. Florike Egmond and Robert Zwijnenberg, Renaissance Quarterly, 57:3 (2004), 1096-98.
  34. Exorcism and Its Texts: Subjectivity in Early Modern Literature of England and Spain, by Hilaire Kallendorf, Modern Philology, 103:2 (2005), 248-50.
  35. Das Geheimnis am Beginn der europäischen Moderne, ed. G. Engel, B. Lang, K. Reichert, and H. Wunder, Renaissance Quarterly, 56:4 (2003) 1271-72.
  36. The Debate over the Origin of Genius during the Italian Renaissance, by Noel L. Brann, Renaissance Quarterly, (2003), 1153-1154.
  37. Medizinische Theologie:  Christus Medicus und die Theologie medicialis bei Martin Luther und im Luthertum der Barockzeit, by Anselm Steiger, Renaissance Quarterly, 59:1 (2003), 193-94.
  38. Reading the Early Modern Passions:  Essays in the Cultural Hiistory of Emotion, ed. Gail Kern Paster, Katherine Row, and Mary Floyd-Wilson, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 79:4 (2005) 811-13.
  39. Die Behandlung der Franzosenkrankheit in der Fruehen Neuzeit, by Claudia Stein, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 79 (2005), 122-122.
  40. Sins of the Flesh: Responding to Sexual Disease in Early Modern Europe, by Kevin Siena, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 61:4 (2006), 545-546.
  41. Melancholy and the Care of the Soul:  Religion, Moral Philosophy and Madness in Early Modern England, by Jeremy Schmidt, Sixteenth Century Journal, (2007)
  42. The Worlds of Renaissance Melancholy: Robert Burton in Context, by Angus Gowland, American Historical Review, (2007), 1257-1258.
  43. Edmund Curll, Bookseller, by Paul Baines and Pat Rogers,  Eightenth-Century Studies, 41:2 (2008), 275-276.

