MFA Program Faculty


The Creative Writing Faculty includes:

  • Zinzi Clemmons: novel, short story, memoir, essay
  • Lucy Corin: novel, short story, short-short story, experimental practices, hybrid writing, autofiction, collaboration
  • Pam Houston: novel, short story, memoir, travel narrative, essay
  • Katie Peterson: poetry, essay, hybrid writing, collaboration
  • Joe Wenderoth: poetry, experimental practices, hybrid writing, essay

These writers regularly teach workshop courses in Fiction, Poetry, and Nonfiction but also Special Topics Workshops such as Hybrid Writing, The Novel, The Poet’s Journal-- anything that feels vital and current.

Students in the MFA program also study with English Department faculty who teach Seminars for Writers and other Literature Seminars, which are open to both Creative Writers and PhD candidates in Literature. Joshua Clover and Margaret Ronda, for example, often work closely with students in poetry and poetics. Greg Glazner often serves on thesis committees for both poets and fiction writers. Stephanie Boluk often works with students interested in electronic literature and digital media. Mark Jerng and Colin Milburn often work with students interested in Contemporary American Fiction. These are just some of the faculty members who have recently worked closely with creative writing students. We encourage students to form meaningful relationships with faculty outside the department, as well, though their work as TAs, or because the flexibility of our curriculum allows them to study in departments across campus.