Timothy Walker

Timothy Walker's picture
331 Voorhies
Office Hours
Monday 10-11; Wednesday 4-5


M.A. Literary Studies, Georgia State University, June 2015

Thesis: "The Prophetic Chronotope and the Sexual Revolution in Baron Ludwig von Reizenstein’s The Mysteries of New Orleans” 

B.A. English, Kennesaw State University, December 2009

Research Interests:

19th-Century US American literature; literature of the US South; queer temporalities and theologies; Christian nationalism; politics of spiritual conversion


ENL 156 (Fall 2023, TA)

ENL 3 (Fall 2019-Summer 2023)

UWP 1Y (Winter 2019, Spring 2019)

UWP 1 (Fall 2017, Winter 2018, Spring 2018, Summer Session II 2018, Fall 2018)

ENL 181A, African American Literature, 1900-Present (Spring 2017, TA)

ENL 106, English Grammar (Winter 2016, TA)

ENL 181, 18th Century British Women Writers (Fall 2016, TA)