Kenneth Connally

Kenneth Connally's picture
277 Voorhies
Office Hours
T 3:30-4:30 (in person), W 11-12 (Zoom)

Currently Teaching:

  • 115 - Topics in 16th- & 17th-Century Literature



Ph.D. in English with a designated emphasis in classics and classical receptions, 2019

Dissertation: "Questioning Reproduction in Seventeenth-Century English Literature"

M.A. in English, Chapman University, 2012

B.A. in English with a history minor, Chapman University, 2010

Research Interests: early modern English literature; gender and sexuality; the reception of ancient philosophy in Renaissance England



"Hedone in Eden: The Queerness of Pleasure in Paradise Lost." Milton Quarterly 56 (2023): 127-36.

"'Quitting Nature's Part': The Reproductive Quest in Dryden's Virgil." Explorations in Renaissance Culture 45.2 (Fall 2019): 193-218.

Podcast review: “That Shakespeare Life.” Early Modern Digital Humanities 6.2 (2023).


Conference Presentations:

"'Pity and Fear'": Early Modern Tragedy as Horror Fiction"

           Shakespeare Association of America 52nd Annual Meeting

           Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland, OR, 11 April 2024

"'Pregnant with Infernal Flame': The Reproductive Spaces of Paradise Lost"

            119th Annual PAMLA Conference

            UCLA Luskin Conference Center and Hotel, Los Angeles, CA, 12 November 2022

"Hedone in Eden: The Queerness of Pleasure in Paradise Lost"

UC Santa Barbara Early Modern Center annual conference (Queer Crossings, Unruly Locales, 1500-1800), 28-29 February 2020

"The Philosophy of Reproduction in All's Well That Ends Well"

Shakespeare Association of America 46th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, 31 March 2018

"'Unpeople the Province with Continency': Questioning Reproductive Logic in Shakespeare's Measure for Measure"

Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference, Newberry Center for Renaissance Studies, Chicago, IL, 28 January 2017



ENL 41: Introductory Topics in Literature & Media (Topic: How to Make a Monster: Frankenstein on Page and Screen)

ENL 3: Introduction to Literature (2015-2024)

ENL 111: Topics in Medieval Literature (Topic: Medieval Adaptations) (Fall 2023)

ENL 3A: Writers' Workshop (2019-2023)

ENL 110A: Introduction to Literary Theory (2021-2023)

ENL 10A: Literatures in English I: To 1700 (Fall 2017, Winter 2018, Spring 2023)

ENL 149: Topics in Literature (Topic: From Greek Tragedy to Modern Horror) (Winter 2023)

ENL 155A: 18th Century British Novel (Fall 2022)

ENL 117: Shakespeare (Summer Session II 2022)

ENL 149: Topics in Literature (Topic: Paradise Lost and the Classics) (Fall 2019, Spring 2022)

ENL 40: Introductory Topics in Literature (Topic: Philosophy and/as Literature) (Spring 2022)

ENL 40: Introductory Topics in Literature (Topic: "Pity and Fear": From Greek Tragedy to Modern Horror) (Winter 2022)

ENL 40: Introductory Topics in Literature (Topic: Shakespeare and the Classics) (Spring 2020, Winter 2022)

UWP 1: Introduction to Academic Literacies (2013-2015, Spring 2020)

ENL 122: Milton (Fall 2015)