Joe Wenderoth

Joe Wenderoth's picture

Position Title
Professor of English

208 Voorhies
Office Hours
Thursday 5-6

Currently Teaching:

  • 100NF - Creative Writing: Non-Fiction
  • 100P - Creative Writing: Poetry
  • 100PA - Creative Writing Advanced Poetry


Joe Wenderoth, Professor of English, grew up in Baltimore.  He has published six books, each of which is still in print.  Das Einzige Was Passiert (All That Really Happens) is a Selected Poems translated into German by Anne Cotten.  His poetry, fiction, and non-fiction have appeared in many journals and anthologies. 

Publication Spotlight

It Is If I Speak
 by Joe Wenderoth


  • Disfortune (poems); Wesleyan University Press (1995)
  • It Is If I Speak (poems); Wesleyan University Press (2000)
  • Letters To Wendy's (fiction); Verse Press (2000).
  • The Holy Spirit of Life: Essays Written For John Ashcroft's Secret Self (essays); Wave Books (2005)
  • No Real Light (poems); Wave Books (2007)
  • If I Don't Breathe How Do I Sleep (poems); Wave Books (2014)
  • Das Einzige Was Passiert (All That Really Happens) (Selected Poems translated into German by Anne Cotten; Peter Engstler Verlag (2020)


Education & Interests:

  1. MFA (Warren Wilson College); Creative Writing (poetry, essay).