Evan Manzanetti

Evan Manzanetti's picture
324 Voorhies Hall
Office Hours
Tuesday & Wednesday, 1:00–2:00 p.m. and by appointment


Spring 2024

I am an associate instructor, teaching University Writing Program (UWP) 1.

Past Courses

Fall 2022–Spring 2024 University Writing Program (UWP) 1, UC Davis
Spring 2022 English 173 "Science Fiction," UC Davis, TA
Winter 2022 English 10B "Literatures in English II: 1700–1900," UC Davis, TA
Fall 2021 English 144 "Post–Civil War American Literature (1865–1900)," UC Davis, TA
Fall 2020 English 50A "Introduction to American Literature I: beginnings to 1865," CSU Sacramento, TA
Fall 2020 English 40A "Introduction to British Literature I: beginnings to 1800," CSU Sacramento, TA & Supplemental Instructor


B.A. University of California, Los Angeles - 2012
M.A. California State University, Sacramento - 2021


ASLE 2023 - “The Mountain that Was the Biologist: Self-Making, Place-Making in the Strange Terroir of Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach Trilogy”

Coast to Coast Connections 2023 - “‘Become the Warmongers:’ the Normalization of American Military Hegemony through Graphical User Interfaces and the Mother Base Menu in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

MLA 2021 - “Broad Sunshine and Dark Obscurity: Maps, Deeds, and the Restless Spirit of Nature in Gothic Hauntings of Hawthorne’s Land in The House of the Seven Gables

CSUS Student Research & Creative Activity Spring Symposium 2020 - “A Somewhat Wilder Grace: Hawthorne, Humboldt, and Withstanding the Collapse of Nature into Symbol in The House of the Seven Gables

ASLE 2019 - “Dead Things in the Glass: Interrogating Steinbeck’s Masculine Identity Built by the Aesthetic Consumption of Nature’s and Women’s Bodies in Cannery Row


(forthcoming) Manzanetti, Evan. Chapter on Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker in anthology on Metal Gear Solid, name TBD 

Manzanetti, Evan. “A Somewhat Wilder Grace: Hawthorne, Humboldt, and Withstanding the Collapse of Nature into Symbol in The House of the Seven Gables.The Nathaniel Hawthorne Review, vol. 47, no. 2, 2021, pp. 210–230. Scholarly Publishing Collective, doi:10.5325/nathhawtrevi.47.2.0210.

Research Interests

I research the environment, the Gothic, gender, and American cultures in American literature, broadly construed. I have an interest in the specifics of place-making, leading me to think about regionalisms, bioregionalism, borders, nationalism, race, and other ways we tie space to identity. Running through all this are my attentions to technology—how it shapes and reacts to our understandings of ourselves and our places, from daguerreotypes to video games—and water—from oceans to rivers to fog to arid landscapes, water centers in much of my thoughts about identity and place.

Right now I’m thinking about space/place and how we define it, how it defines us, and why these interdependencies occur. I am currently working on a chapter for a forthcoming anthology on the Metal Gear Solid video game series, with my chapter focusing on Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.