Delanie R Harrington Dummit

Delanie R Harrington Dummit's picture
324 Voorhies
Office Hours
By appointment


Research Interests

16th- and 17th-century British literature; disability studies; blindness; sexual violence; labor; constructions of the human



M.A., Wake Forest University

B.A., University of Dayton 




UWP 1: Fall 2021––Spring 2023

ENL 3: Fall 2023––Current


ENL 52: Pop Culture Shakespeare––Spring 2021

ENL 10A Literatures in English I: to 1700–– Winter 2021

ENL 186: Literature, Race, Sexuality, & Gender–– Fall 2020


Honors and Awards

H. Broadus Jones M.A. Student Award for Excellence in English, Wake Forest University 2020

Richter Research Grant recipient, Wake Forest University 2019

Dean’s Summer Research Fellowship, University of Dayton 2017



Graduate Assistant, Wake Forest University Writing Center, 2018-2020

Reading and Rhetoric Instructor, Hamilton Education, 2019

Student Intern, Health and Wellness Promotions, University of Dayton, 2016-2018

Department of Sociology Research Fellow, University of Dayton, 2017



Review of Prince Hamlet, dir. Ravi Jain, Presented by Why Not TheatreThe Shakespeare Bulletin, Vol 41, 1. Spring 2023.

Review of Doctor Faustus, dir. Emily Ingram and Fergus Rattigan, Presented by The Show Must Go On(line). The Marlowe Society of America Newsletter, Fall 2021 issue.

“Limitless.” The Communicator. 2015

“Feel the Beat: Connecting Through Music and Advocating for CART.” Volta Voices. July-Aug. 2014.



"Prostheticizing Props: Performing Amputation in Titus Andronicus"

  Presented at "Intimate Objects: a Performance Studies Miniconference," UC Davis, 2021.

“Sure Some Tereus Hath Deflowered Thee:” Blindness, Rape’s Disempowerment, and Social Disability

   Presented at “The Freak and its Discontents: An Interdisciplinary Conference” 

    Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 2019

   Presented at the Southeastern Renaissance Conference 

     Raleigh, North Carolina, 2019


“Reading as Prevention: Pedagogy of Sexual Violence” 

   Presented at the annual Association of English Graduate Students 

     North Carolina State University, 2019

   Presented at the annual College English Association of Ohio 

     Findlay University, 2019


Papers and Research Projects

MA Thesis: “‘Numbed And Mortified:’ Labor, Empathy, and Acquired Disability In King Lear And Titus Andronicus” 

Archival research of the “Poor Laws,” Parliamentary Archives, London, funded by the Richter Research Grant

“Reading as Prevention: Pedagogy of Sexual Violence” 

“‘No’ is a Complete Sentence:” Rejection in Jane Austen’s Novels as a Matter of Consent