Augusta Funk

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316 Voorhies
Office Hours
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BA, Macalester College

MFA in Poetry, University of Michigan

Research Interests: 20th-21st Century American Poetry, Lyric Theory, Critical Affect and Aesthetics, Queer Theory, Critical Race Studies, Ecopoetics, Disability Studies, Phenomenology. 


UWP1Y, Introduction to Academic Literacies (Hybrid), Associate Instructor (Fall 2023 - Present)

UWP1, Introduction to Academic Literacies, Associate Instructor (Fall 2022 - Spring 2023)

ENL185-C, Literature by Women 1900-Present, TA (Spring 2022)

ENL130, British Romantic Literature, TA (Winter 2022)

ENL180, Children's Literature, TA (Fall 2021)


Recent poems in Interim, Poetry Northwest, Massachusetts Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Colorado Review, Witness, Fairy Tale Review, The Offing & others. Book reviews in Quarterly West and Michigan Quarterly Review. 

Conference Presentations

"Reading Abolition Beyond the Human in Gwendolyn Brooks's In the Mecca," ASLE 2023, Portland OR, July 2023.

"Landscapes of Cohabitation in Hannah Weiner's Clairvoyant Journal," ASAP/13: Edge Play, University of California Los Angeles, September 2022.

Awards and Fellowships

David Noel Miller Essay Prize. UC Davis English Department, Best Graduate Student Essay, 2022.