English 40-4 - Winter, 2021

Introductory Topics in Literature

Topic: Tragedy and American Politics


Class Information

Instructor: Barr, Clara
CRN: 44492
Time: TR 3:10-4:30
Location: Remote Instruction
GE Areas: Writing Experience


We will examine depictions of American politics in contemporary drama through the lens of classical tragedy, beginning with Sophocles' Antigone and ending with Theater of War Productions' Antigone in Ferguson. The course will ask: How can forms of tragic drama help us to understand these depictions of America? What is the relationship between the theatricality of American politics and American political theater? And what can the metaphorical connections between drama and democracy help us to understand about the present moment?

Because we will be studying drama during a time when live theater is largely shuttered, students should be prepared to engage with a number of (sometimes lengthy) audio and video recordings.