English 40-2 - Fall, 2023

Introductory Topics in Literature

Topic: Becoming Plant


Class Information

Instructor: Schuhmacher, Kirsten
CRN: 31927
Time: MWF 2:10-3:00
Location: 1134 Bainer
GE Areas: Writing Experience


This course interrogates what it might mean, look, and feel like to become plant. This idea has, in many ways, perpetuated through history and continued to be a source of anxiety, wonder, acceptance, horror, etc. We will look at a variety of texts across genres, historical periods, and cultures to better understand what it means to ?become plant.? Some of the questions that this course will interrogate are: What does it mean to have a relationship with plants and other nonhumans? How might we experience kinship with plants? What does it mean to ?become? something other than human? How do writers take an intersectional approach to ?becoming? plant?