English 391 - Spring, 2022

Teaching Creative Writing

Class Information

Instructor: Peterson, Katie
CRN: 42447
Time: M 1:10-3:00
Location: 120 Voorhies


This class prepares you to serve as a Teaching Assistant for English 5. The main purpose of this class is to give you the time and space to explore teaching materials for English 5. You will think towards a syllabus of your own, guided by previous versions of the course and previous instructors.

We will work through a series of topics that frame, philosophically and practically, elements of pedagogy that may be useful to you, with the aid of this year?s English 5 instructors, who will provide practical advice, supplemented with useful resources. We?ll read one text, Craft in the Real World.



Course requirements: (1) prompt and regular attendance and participation; (2) reading of assigned texts and the Manual for English 5 F / P (3) a demo syllabus for English 5


Craft in the Real World , Matthew Salesses