English 298-1 - Fall, 2020

Teaching Composition

Class Information

Instructor: Stratton, Matthew
CRN: 32327
Time: F 12:10-2:00


This course aims to help graduate students to teach their own ongoing sections of English 3, ?Introduction to Literature.? It does so by drawing upon the students? prior instruction and experience in writing pedagogy, their experience in the Spring iteration of ENL 393, and by focusing on the knowledge, skills, and habits of literary analysis that successful students of ENL 3 will develop. Drawing on recent work on inclusive teaching strategies and other critical writings on pedagogy (including relevant statements and assessment strategies from professional organizations such as the Council of Writing Program Administrators and the Modern Language Association, students and faculty in this iteration of ENL 393 will work collectively to address pedagogical issues as they arise in order to improve both instructors? and students? experiences and success in achieving the learning outcomes of ENL 3.