English 237 - Winter, 2021

Seminar for Writers

Class Information

Instructor: Ronda, Margaret
CRN: 44517
Time: M 12:10-3:00
Location: Remote Instruction


Seminar for Writers: Environmental Writing Across Genres

In this course, we will read widely in the flourishing field of contemporary environmental writing, considering work across multiple genres: poetry, creative nonfiction, and fiction, and also visual, performance, and cross-media works. We?ll explore the varied formal methods that writers invent and deploy to imaginatively engage ecological conditions and relations in an era of planetary crisis. We?ll think about how writers understand literary works as a means of understanding, intervening in, informing, transforming these conditions and relations. Across the quarter, we will undertake sustained projects in environmental writing. As we do so, we will pay extended consideration to the relations between site, process, research, and composition. This course is welcome to all students interested in engaging with environmentally-oriented writing practices.