English 189-02 - Spring, 2024

Seminar in Literary Studies

Topic: Queer of Color Critique


Class Information

Instructor: Zecena, Ruben
CRN: 56638
Time: MW 2:10-3:30pm
Location: Olson 101
GE Areas: Writing Experience


This seminar delves into the politics, innovative tools, and theoretical frameworks emerging from the field of queer of color critique. We will explore the key term, difference, as a central analytic domain from which to identify modalities of power, survival, coalition, and resistance. In doing so, the course will ask students to consider: What are the politics of difference? What is the relationship between processes of racialization and gender and sexual difference? And how does queer of color critique enrich our understandings of literary and aesthetic expression?


Zami: A New Spelling of My Name , Audre Lorde
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous , Ocean Vuong
love conjure/blues, Sharon Bridgforth
Fiebre Tropical, Juli?n Delgado Lopera