English 185A - Winter, 2021

Women's Writing I

Class Information

Instructor: Emrich, Lee
CRN: 44515
Time: MWF 1:10-2:00
Location: Remote Instruction
GE Areas: Writing Experience


This course takes a feminist, global, multi-generic approach to women's writings from 1500-1800, ranging from life writing to ruminations on the divine, to dialogues with lovers, to intimacy with the environment, to reflections of losses endured. We will think critically about the different ways we receive women's writings today and what were the contexts around producing their writing: such as access to education, misogyny, female coterie, and the history of translation and/or silencing of women's voices. Through it all, we will ask: what joys and griefs and intellectual engagement did these women from various sites on the globe experience and how did they write these experiences and the wider world they lived in?

Just SOME of the authors we will read and discuss:
Sor Juana de la Cruz
Nana Asma'u
Huang E
Anne Bradstreet
Phyllis Wheatley Peters
Veronica Franco
Gaspara Stampa
Louise Lab?
Rachel Speght
Isabella Whitney
Lady Mary Wroth
Aphra Behn
Margaret Cavendish
Amelia Lanyer
Katherine Philips
Hester Pulter


Course Grade will comprise of:
Participation Grade (from Discussion Questions and Reading Responses)
Two Papers (6-8 pages)