English 168 - Winter, 2024

20th-Century American Poetry

Class Information

Instructor: Clover, Joshua
CRN: 44593
Time: MWF 12:10-1:00pm
GE Areas: American Cultures, Governance, and History Writing Experience


This course is interested in both American poetry and the 20th century and what they know about each other. We?ll read five-ish great poets, a couple challenging pieces of social theory, we?ll think about modernism and postmodernism, we'll make a hashtag shape on the board several times, and we will get to the bottom of everything. I mean, we definitely won't, that never happens. The books will all be virtual and free.


A mix of participation (20), every-other-weekly short writing assignments (50 total), a final paper (20), and a final exam (10).


Claude McKay, Harlem Shadows
Gertrude Stein, Tender Buttons
William Carlos Williams, Spring and All
Alice Notley, Descent of Alette
John Ashbery, Self-Portrait...
Audre Lorde, Black Unicorn