English 160 - Fall, 2023

Film as Narrative

Class Information

Instructor: Solomon, Jeff
CRN: 52753
Time: TR 4:40-7:30 p.m.
Location: 146 Olson
GE Areas: Writing Experience Visual


Projecting National Culture, Protest & Revolution:

This course will explore the development of narrative techniques in feature films, from the early 20th century to the present. We'll focus our attention upon artistic representations of national culture, representations of protest movements, the consequences of social inequality, and the possibilities of revolution. While the feature films we view in class will be our central subject, we will supplement our discussion with a few significant examples of film culture in the novel, and we will draw upon contemporary scholarship and theory to inform our discussions of all.

The six class hours each week will include one full-length screening, brief lectures supplemented with a number of excerpted sequences, and vigorous discussion.


Short responses and film reviews, one researched essay, and a comprehensive final exam.