English 157 - Spring, 2019

Detective Fiction

Class Information

Instructor: Simpson, David
CRN: 92108
Time: TR 9:00-10:20
Location: 118 Olson


We will study a range of novels and short stories with a main (though not exclusive) focus on early British texts, in a computer-free classroom (unless you are reading online). Required texts, available at the bookstore if you choose to use it: Doyle, Sign of Four; Tey, The Man in the Queue; Bentley, Trent’s Last Case; Marsh, The Beetle; Chandler, Playback. Other texts will be available in a course reader, to be purchased at Davis Max Copy Shop (on 3rd St).


Grading: Midterm (15%) and final (25%) exams; midterm paper (4-6pp, 15%) and final paper (6-8pp, 30%). Quizzes (15%). Impromptu quizzes will be in-class and are designed to test whether you have done the reading and have a basic understanding of the material.



Doyle, Sign of Four
Tey, The Man in the Queue
Bentley, Trent's Last Case
Marsh, The Beetle
Chandler, Playback