English 149-02 - Spring, 2024

Topics in Literature

Topic: History and Literary Theory


Class Information

Instructor: Lee, Xavier
CRN: 40351
Time: MWF 12:10-1:00pm
Location: Olson 167
GE Areas: Writing Experience


This course explores special topics in historiography, including theoretical and literary-critical approaches to the study of historical writing. In this course, we'll take apart history's relationship to truth, fact, memory and narrative and think about how histories *create* as well as *represent* realities. Readings for the course cover a wide array of interdisciplinary fields, such as philosophy of history, postcolonial and poststructural thought, black studies, Caribbean studies, Jewish & Holocaust studies, and film and media studies.


Weekly discussion posts: 20%
Midterm paper - 30%
Final Assignment - 30%
Participation - 20%