English 144 - Spring, 2019

Post-Civil War American Literture

Class Information

Instructor: Clearwater, Michael
CRN: 92106
Time: TR 10:30-11:50
Location: 146 Olson


This course provides an overview of post-Civil War American literature written between 1865 and 1910. We will examine the shifting nature of American belonging and identity in the aftermath of the Civil War and in relation to rapid industrialization, increasing immigration, and progressive social movements. We will examine texts that exemplified the emerging traditions of regionalism, realism and naturalism, while also attending closely to the ways these texts, in both form and content, intersect with shifting ideas about race, gender and sexuality, and national belonging.


Essay 1: 20%
Essay 2: 30%
Annotated Bibliography: 10%
Final Exam: 25%
Participation: 15%


Pudd’nhead Wilson, Mark Twain
Henry James, Daisy Miller
Kate Chopin, The Awakening
Jack London, The Call of the Wild
Course Reader