English 10B-2 - Fall, 2018

Literatures in English II

Class Information

Instructor: Tinonga-Valle, Jennifer
CRN: 21764
Time: TR 9:00-10:20
Location: 1128 Hart


English 10B is a survey course that explores literatures in English from 1700 to 1900. The second course in the three-part Literatures in English series, this section will engage with poetry, prose and drama produced in England, Ireland, the British Colonies, and the United States. We will focus on influential and representative texts that allow us to trace the emergence of major literary trends, dialogues, debates and forms over these two turbulent centuries.

Key themes that we may explore include gender and sexuality, rights and revolution, publication and popular readers, home and adventure, empire and race, class and labor.

In addition to its goals as a survey of a literary period, 10B is a reading- and writing-intensive course designed to prepare you for upper-division English classes. It aims to help you practice and improve your critical reading, writing, and research skills.

(Note: Course texts are listed below--additional readings will be accessible on Canvas. The main texts for this course are the ninth editions of the Norton English Literature Anthologies. You are also welcome to use the slightly older (less expensive) 8th edition of any of the anthologies. Please note the edition/ISBN, if ordering online.)


Classwork, Participation, Quizzes, Homework
Comparative Essay and Research Essay
Project or Journal
Final Exam


Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume E: The Victorian Age, 9th Edition
Persuasion (Norton Critical Edition), Jane Austen
Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume D: The Romantic Period, Ninth Edition
The Yellow Wallpaper: A Sourcebook and Critical Edition), Charlotte Perkins Gilman