English 10A-2 - Fall, 2018

Literatures in English I: to 1700

Class Information

Instructor: Vernon, Matthew
CRN: 21760
Time: MWF 12:10-1:00
Location: 207 Olson


Hybrids and Adaptations

The goal of this class is to prepare you for advanced literary study. Over the course of the quarter you will gain some perspective on the development of English literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to 1700. To do so we will be thinking about the ongoing conversation among writers over the course of hundreds of years about the expansion of British power, the adaptation of writing from surrounding countries, the formation of a literary genealogy, and the process of conversion to Christianity. However, underpinning the content of this course is the parallel mission of building the sorts of skills you will need to successfully navigate a humanities major: clarity of written and oral expression, close reading, critical analysis, discussion, collaborative work and management of large reading assignments. The course will be writing and discussion-intensive to help build these abilities.


Midterm, Final Exam, Class Discussion, Weekly Questions


A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Anglo-Saxon Texts
Egil's Saga
Extracts from the Canterbury Tales
Mandeville’s Travels
Poetry of George Herbert
Poetry of John Donne
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Faerie Queene
Topography of Ireland