English 106 - Spring, 2020

English Grammar - Cross-listed with LIN/UWP

Class Information

Instructor: Ferris, Dana
Time: TR 1:40-3:00
Location: 158 Olson


This course serves two types of students. One audience is the student who feels the need for a better grounding in grammar in order to improve her or his own writing and/or ability to analyze texts. The other audience is the student who knows that in the future, she or he will be called upon to teach or tutor grammar or to comment on student writing, either while teaching composition courses or courses in other disciplines. These two audiences, of course, may overlap.

This is an upper-division course. It will be challenging, it will move quickly, and, depending on your background in grammar, it will take a lot of work. To be successful, you must be able to do more than memorize information; you must be able to apply what you learn, sometimes in unique situations, to solve problems, and to think both inside and outside the box.


Exams: 75%
Short Papers: 25%


Language Power: Tutorials for Writers, Dana R. Ferris
English Grammar: Language as Human Behavior (3rd Ed.), Anita K. Barry