English 106 - Fall, 2023

English Grammar

Topic: (English provides instruction)


Class Information

Instructor: Gray, Jessica Hanselman
Time: TR 4:40-6:00
Location: 290 Hickey Gym


This course will focus on the major grammatical structures of the English language, using modern language analysis techniques. Students will achieve the following learning objectives: become familiar with sentence constituents; learn to analyze sentences and syntactical structures; articulate what makes some structures grammatically incorrect; and understand how to use grammar for particular rhetorical and stylistic effects. Through dissecting and diagramming sentences and familiarizing themselves with the range of appropriate structures, students will come to see how understanding grammar is crucial for critical reading, effective writing, and precise editing.

Additionally, we will engage with a number of literary topics, focusing on how understanding English grammar can enhance understanding of and appreciation for literature. The course will look at topics such as how grammar relates to common literary devices (e.g., anaphora, anastrophe, and zeugma) and will also ask students to consider various social influences on language change.


Doing Grammar, Max Morenberg
WOE IS I, Patricia T. O'Conner
Course Reader on Canvas