English 100P-1 - Fall, 2023

Creative Writing: Poetry

Class Information

Instructor: Gouirand, Rae
Time: TR 10:30-11:50
Location: 248 Voorhies


In this workshop, we will explore what sense and semblance mean to poetry and the poem, and to a range of living poets whose work directly engages the cultural and political conversations of our present moment. Students will read a diverse body of works in a variety of verse forms, develop and revise original poetry, and be challenged to investigate what the body of the poem offers right now.

Note: re-applications are welcome from students who have taken previous sections of 100P with the instructor--syllabus will have changed from previous quarters. Reading list TBA.


Grading will be based upon weekly work submitted to the instructor and the workshop, contributions to in-class discussions, and a final portfolio.