English 100FA - Spring, 2024

Creative Writing Advanced Fiction

Class Information

Instructor: Langford, Shayne
Time: MW 1:40-3:00pm
Location: 248 Voorhies


In this class, our assignments and discussions will be centered around cultivating an atmosphere in which the creation of art feels not only exhilarating, but necessary. Our readings will be centered mostly around short stories to be assigned and discussed during the first two weeks of the quarter. Our discussions will be craft-centric and will lend to the cultivation of individual voice; in particular, we will spend time considering the confluence of emotional and metaphorical resonance, and how resonance both shapes and is shaped by multidimensional characters, and how - above all else - the art of fiction is shaped by our sense of humanity.

Alongside our readings at the beginning of the quarter, you will be assigned generative writing assignments in class to be expanded upon and completed throughout the week. These assignments will reflect and complicate your understanding of craft elements applied to readings of literary texts, as well as present tools you might use to generate new material and develop your writing on a subtextual level. Generative writing exercises will be hands-on and will rely heavily on your conception of lived experience - in relation to both past experiences and the present moment.

Workshop will begin following the conclusion of the second week of classes. You will be required to workshop two short stories throughout the quarter; two participants will be workshopped each class, allowing for an in-depth analysis and discussion heavily reliant on student participation. You will also be required to write one other full-length short story to be turned in at the end of the quarter, along with revisions of stories submitted for workshop. A novel will be assigned to accompany our workshop readings throughout the quarter.

As the course title indicates, this class is tailored toward advanced fiction writing students, meaning (in my opinion) students who are not simply talented, but serious about fostering a life of introspection, empathy, and attentiveness to the contemporary moment. My goal is for students to end the quarter with a body of work they are proud of and the confidence to manifest their dreams.


Grading will consider the effort and quality of written assignments, as well as in-class participation.


Short stories provided via .pdf
There There , Tommy Orange