English 100FA - Spring, 2022

Creative Writing: Advanced Fiction

Class Information

Instructor: Corin, Lucy
Time: MW 12:10-1:30
Location: 248 Voorhies


This advanced level fiction writing workshop is designed for our strongest undergraduate fiction writers, including but not limited to students admitted to the creative writing honors program. Admission is by application for a limited number of seats. My goal is to have a group of students equally dedicated to learning about literary fiction writing and discovering and refining their own individual sensibility within and as an extension of that tradition. My approach focuses on a writer's relationship with what they consume (books, art, culture), and detailed attention to language on the sentence level. We look at each individual piece of writing and try to discover its most interesting and beautiful potential. We use a workshop format, which means that students are working together to understand the potential of a work in progress under the guidance of a practicing professional with an individual experience to offer (ie, in a creative writing workshop, the professor is writer). We read a wide range of model works of fiction (provided via Canvas) in order to explore the elasticity of the form and practice of making literary (as opposed to commercial or mass market) art.


I will be using a hybrid holistic and contract-based model for grading this quarter. Consistent high quality in class participation is expected along with engaged completion of all writing and critiquing assignments.


We'll use a course reader