English 100F-1 - Fall, 2021

Creative Writing: Fiction

Class Information

Instructor: Langford, Shayne
Time: TR 10:30-11:50
Location: 248 Voorhies


In this course, you will write and workshop original short fiction informed by elements of craft as well as texts written by distinctive voices from the world of literature. With the development of individual voice at the forefront of instruction, the heart of writing assignments and workshops will lie in the growth of your ability to express poignant emotional resonance through metaphor, to develop characters infused with empathy, to layer a narrative with a multiplicity of meaning, to write a story that makes us feel. Process?the actual, tangible construction of narrative?will be a focal point of discussion, and your use of revision in order to supplement the natural evolution of your stories will be just as important as the original spurt of creativity that brought them to life. Our readings
(craft books, novels, and short stories) will inform our classroom discourse and help to shape your identity as an emerging writer.

The goals of this workshop involve your overall development as a writer of fiction. You will be asked to read with a critical eye, construct your own short stories, analyze your own process, and provide feedback on fellow students? creative work. Further, you will have two opportunities
to have an original piece of short fiction workshopped and will be asked to assemble a final portfolio at the end of the quarter.


Love Medicine , Erdrich
Craft in the Real World, Salesses
Love Medicine , Erdrich
Craft in the Real World, Salesses